Wednesday 6 May 2020

Multiple choice questions on Prokaryotic RNA Polymerease

 1. The enzyme involved in prokaryotic transcription?

2. Type of RNA Polymerase in prokaryotes?

3. Binding site of RNA Polymerase on DNA?

4. RNA Polymerase itself can bind with promoter in

5. Which enzyme used for making DNA copy from RNA?

6. RNA Polymerase in prokaryotes can transcribe for? 

7. Which technique is used for seperation of β and β΄ subunits of RNA Polymerase from cellular proteins?

8. Which denaturating agent is used in gel electrophoresis?

9. Name the polypeptide chains of RNA Polymerase enzyme.

10.The amount of RNA Polymerase present free in cytoplasm.


    1. C. RNA Polymerase -
    RNA Polymerase enzyme is involved in prokaryotic transcription.

    2. A. 1 -
    Only single typed RNA Polymerase involved in prokaryotic transcription.

    3. B. Promoter -
    RNA Polymerase bind with promoter on DNA.

    4. B. Prokaryotes -
    RNA Polymerase can itself bind with promoter in prokaryotes.

    5. A. Reverse transcriptase -
    Reverse transcriptase enzyme hepls in synthesizing DNA copy from RNA.

    6. D. All of these -
    In prokaryotes RNA Polymerase can transcribe for all types of RNA.

    7. A. Gel Electrophoresis -
    SDS Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis used for separation of subunits from cellular proteins.

    8. D. All of these -
    These all can used for gel electrophoresis.

    9. D. All of these -
    RNA Polymerase have six subunits,α,α,σ,low moleculer weight ω,high moleculer weight β and β΄.

    10. A. 20% -
    20% amount of RNA Polymerase present free in cytoplasm.


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